You might have overheard your IT team talking about certificates and wondered what they’re referring to. Have they completed a new course and are showing off to their team? Surely not, but then how can a website use a certificate? In this blog we explore what SSL certificates are, why you need them, and how […]
Bear with me while we have a little history lesson. As anyone who has ever used an Inertial Navigation System knows, you can only get to where you want to be, by knowing where you are coming from… Coming of age in the 80’s, I had a few certainties. Liverpool FC always won, C15 blank […]
One of the many impacts of the post-COVID 19 pandemic in the library space was the increase in demand for remote access to electronic resources. This, however, is not enough. For libraries to get better engagement and more resource usage from their patrons, there is also the need for a high-quality user experience, where resources […]
Providing seamless access to digital services is a critical part of the IT team’s role in higher education (HE) and further education (FE). When a lecturer struggles to access wifi on a remote campus, or a student can’t work out how to access digital course materials quickly, the result is a barrier to learning and […]
IdP operators: consider using MDQ (metadata query) Configuring your self-hosted IdP to use MDQ (metadata query) has three key benefits: a reduced memory footprint mitigation against a class of disruptive errors as the size of metadata increases robustness against problematic metadata. Half of the IdPs in the UK federation use MDQ already. The UK federation […]
Preparing for a new academic year is always a challenging time for IT teams. However, for New College of Humanities (NCH) in London, summer 2020 brought new challenges entirely. The IT team was faced with the integration of IT systems after its acquisition by Northeastern University, in the US, while at the same time […]
Have you got a stake in online learning at your institution? Looking for ways to develop your students’ digital experiences in 2022? Then look no further! Here lies a handy wrap-up of Jisc’s Higher Education (HE) and Further Education (FE) student digital insights surveys. Looking at the good, the bad, and the downright ugly. Survey […]
A core aspect of Cyber Essentials is keeping your systems up to date. This is true both for operating systems and any installed apps or software, and these must always be kept updated. Applying these updates is one of the most important things you can do to improve security. It ensures that devices and software are not vulnerable to known […]
“Are THEY listening to us?” “Who’s they?” “You know, the phones, the laptops?” And so goes the conversation that I sometimes have with my wife. Perhaps after we’ve had a chat about hiking poles, when every ad on our social media feed then shows hiking poles, despite neither of us having directly Googled them. (Although […]
This year’s KuppingerCole European Identity and Cloud conference saw several talks about Zero Trust Models and Passwordless Authentication. No longer in cyber security is it enough to lock your front door and all of your windows, now the bad guys are ‘coming down the pipes’! To use X-Files parlance ‘Trust no one’ — not even […]